Wet weather discharges and sanitary sewer overflows caused by storm events are impacting public health and the environment across the country. B&N has a proven history of helping communities meet the regulatory requirements aimed at reducing these impacts with customized solutions that are both technically and economically sound.
Our experience ranges from permitting assistance to infrastructure design, system operation, and the rehabilitation and life extension of system components. We have extensive expertise performing sanitary sewer evaluation surveys (SSES) and infiltration/inflow (I/I) analysis programs. This includes implementing comprehensive I/I reduction programs tapping our broad knowledge of flow monitoring, I/I source detection, mapping, data management, and asset management.
Using green infrastructure features in wet weather designs as part of an integrated planning approach can help communities reduce gray infrastructure costs. Rain gardens, bioswales, street trees, and porous paving materials are a few of the solutions we have implemented for our clients.