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  • Location: Pasco County, Florida

The project involves widening a 4-mile segment of SR 54 from four lanes to six lanes for FDOT District Seven. In addition to providing increased capacity along SR 54 in this rapidly developing area, the comprehensive scope includes resurfacing existing lanes, adding sidewalks on both sides of the roadway for the entire length of the project, and reconstructing steep driveways to meet ADA standards. The project also entails widening right turn lanes to include bicycle keyhole lanes, widening left turn lanes for offset left turns, installing signals and LED lighting, and implementing extensive drainage improvements. The horizontal and vertical geometry of the sidewalk is designed to meet ADA criteria while maximizing linear pond volume, ditch capacity, and minimizing project costs and utility impacts.

B&N’s innovative strategy allowed for the addition of travel lanes, sidewalks on both sides of the roadway, and other safety improvements without the need to purchase additional right-of-way. Our innovative stormwater approach provided for linear treatment ponds within the existing right-of-way, saving on right-of-way expenses and expediting construction time.