B&N is working as a subconsultant for the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) to develop an Intersection Control Evaluation (ICE) process. The ICE process is a data-driven analysis used to compare intersection alternatives, including innovative options. B&N was selected to be on the team because of our innate understanding of safety analyses as well as our familiarity with the Ohio DOT and its project development processes.
Developing the ICE process began by gaining an understanding of the state of the practice and some of the lessons learned from other state DOTs who have implemented an ICE process. The team interviewed five state DOTs to establish lessons learned from the ICE process and learn firsthand about their specific experiences with the ICE process. From this information, B&N helped lay out the framework for implementing an ICE process for ODOT projects. This analysis will be integrated into several ODOT manuals, including the Project Development Process (PDP), State Highway Access Management Manual (SHAMM), Location and Design Manual, and the Safety Analysis Guidelines which details the methods in which a safety study is conducted. The existing ODOT-developed Excel-based tools will be used to conduct this analysis.
Currently, the ICE documentation is being finalized and training will be developed to instruct users how to perform and document ICE analyses.