Local agencies in the Northern Arizona region are working to reduce the risk of fatal and serious injuries with the implementation of traffic safety solutions. Led by the Northern Arizona Council of Governments (NACOG) in partnership with the Central Yavapai Metropolitan Planning Organization (CYMPO) and Flagstaff Metropolitan Planning Organization (FMPO), B&N developed a Regional Strategic Transportation Safety Plan (RSTSP) for the area, as well as individualized plans for each agency.
The RSTSP addresses safety from a holistic, regional perspective to reduce the risk of death and serious injury to all transportation users. Utilizing a data-driven approach to assess crash trends in each region, B&N developed area-specific analyses and implementation plans for each agency. Safety priorities, funding strategies, and future safety analysis tools also were reviewed and developed for the three regions.
B&N established a framework of strategies for reducing the number and severity of crashes in the region by identifying crash trends, emphasis areas, performance measures, high-risk crash locations, funding resources and potential projects, including multiple projects eligible for the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP).
Safety analysis tools were developed in tandem with the RSTSP to facilitate future safety-related project identification and development. These tools include an ArcGIS Online Mapping tool for viewing and exporting data, a Crash Analysis Tool (CAT), a Predictive Analysis Tool – Existing (PATe), and an Economic Analysis and Project Justification Tool (eJUST) for assisting the HSIP application process.
The NACOG RSTSP was chosen as a 2018 NADO Research Foundation Innovation Awards recipient.