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  • Location: Cincinnati, OH

B&N developed a Long Term Capital Improvement Program (CIP) to examine the asset management needs of the Metropolitan Sewer District of Greater Cincinnati’s (MSDGC) seven largest wastewater treatment plants and five associated remote influent pump stations. This included the development of replacement costs and a timeline for the major components of each facility which range in size from 6 mgd to 240 mgd.

The evaluation identified 197 unit processes within the 12 facilities. These were sub-divided into 791 components including buildings, concrete tanks, equipment and pumps. Using MSDGC’s useful life guidelines, B&N developed a plan for frequency of replacement or renovation which varied from 10 to 50 years depending on the asset class. The timing of the first replacement or renovation was based on a combination of physical inspections and records showing the most recent event. Projects were assigned to five year time blocks. With a start period and a frequency of recurrence established, a project schedule was set and entered into MSDGC’s CIP Primavera schedule.

Next costs were developed for each of the 791 components. Estimates included construction, engineering, and MSDGC project related costs. The cost and schedule data were merged to develop the 50-year long term planning level CIP for Asset Management projects.

The various five-year periods have projected capital requirements that vary widely. Like many wastewater utilities, there currently is a backlog of asset management tasks as MSDGC focuses capital spending on meeting more stringent effluent requirements and responding to wet weather flow management. As a result, the near term periods show a large capital need and some projects will be delayed to future periods.

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