The KYOVA (Kentucky, Ohio, Virginia Interstate Planning Commission) Complete Streets project comprehensively examines active transportation projects across the five-county region. It establishes a standard Complete Streets Policy to guide future development and promotes a comprehensive multimodal transportation system that safely, comfortably and equitably accommodates roadway users of all ages and abilities, including motorists, cyclists, pedestrians, micromobility users, transit and school bus riders, delivery and service personnel, freight haulers and emergency responders.
This project prioritized active transportation projects previously identified in the Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP), focusing on filling gaps in the network and equity considerations. Existing infrastructure and funded and unfunded projects from the tri-state region were mapped to determine the connectivity of walking and biking routes.
This project included a gaps analysis to assess current access to the active transportation (AT) system. The study revealed that the proposed expansions would significantly increase connectivity, nearly doubling the number of people linked to the AT network—from approximately 57,000 to 117,000. It also examined connections to key community assets like schools and parks, showing that the envisioned AT network would significantly enhance access to these vital resources.
This planning effort developed a prioritized list of Complete Streets projects to serve as a guiding framework for future implementation. It identified gaps in the network, providing valuable insights for planning upcoming active transportation projects. Additionally, it created a comprehensive, well-organized database of existing active transportation infrastructure and proposed projects, offering a resource to guide future planning efforts.