Through a task order contract, B&N worked with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) District 7 to meet the goals of the Florida Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP) and the Vision Zero initiative: reduce and ultimately eliminate fatalities and serious injury crashes on all public roads. The tasks focused on the SHSP emphasis areas including vulnerable users and pedestrian and bike safety, lane departures, speed management, intersection operations and safety improvements, nighttime crashes and wrong way driving countermeasures.
B&N performed numerous corridor and intersection safety and operational tasks including traffic signal warrant studies, Complete Streets studies, mid-block crossing studies and Roadway Safety Audits (RSAs). B&N also contributed to safety programs including the Community Traffic Safety Team (CTST), Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) project application review and assistance, and project development for Safe Routes to School to improve sidewalk connectivity. Minor design, concept development, and cost estimates were also completed under this contract.
As part of the CTST, the B&N Team attended community meetings on how to educate and engage the community to ensure safety improvements were effective and how to utilize HSIP funding. The team met regularly with local agencies, the government, and law enforcement to evaluate safety data and trends. The data was used to determine strategies to create a positive safety culture throughout the community.
B&N developed safety concepts using existing information from scaled aerials, field measurements and property appraiser GIS right of way information. The goal was to identify fatal flaws such as lack of right of way, utility or environmental impacts, or construction costs that would severely impact the funding or schedule. Concepts and estimates were also critical for the benefit/cost and net present value analyses B&N performed using Highway Safety Manual methodology to secure federal safety funds.