Certified Oil Company retained Burgess & Niple to help achieve environmental regulation compliance at its Midwest Terminal in Columbus, Ohio. The facility operates under a Federally Enforceable State Operating Permit (FESOP) issued by the Ohio EPA for air emissions as well as a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit for stormwater discharge.
The facility receives gasoline, diesel fuel and denatured ethanol via underground pipes and railcars. These products are distributed among five bulk storage tanks and pumped to a loading rack where they are loaded into tanker trucks for delivery. Emissions from the loading rack operations are directed to a vapor recovery unit that captures the majority of volatile organic compounds in the emissions.
Precipitation and incidental spills that occur at the loading rack are discharged into an oil-water separator. The separator contents, and general plant area surface drainage, flow to a retention pond. The retention pond’s permitted outfall discharges to Dry Run, a tributary of the Scioto River. Water that collects in the containment areas around the tanks discharges to Dry Run via a separate permitted outfall.
To assist Certified with air and stormwater compliance, B&N provided the following services: