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  • Location: Beavercreek, Ohio

Parkwood and Valley Elementary Schools, in the Beavercreek City Schools District, are situated in neighborhoods where students walk to school. However, key gaps in the active transportation network prevent many students from walking or biking to school.  

As lead consultant, B&N coordinated with the project team, conducted stakeholder and public engagement and led a walk audit. B&N developed project recommendations based on the existing conditions analysis, public and stakeholder input and professional experience. The recommendations resulted in a final School Travel Plan document with actionable projects and programs eligible for ODOT Safe Routes to School funding.  

The School Travel Plan recommended several improved bicycle and pedestrian facilities to create a more connected and safer active transportation network for students living within a mile of either elementary school. Additionally, B&N developed a list of programs to encourage walking and biking and alternative funding sources. This included an estimated timeline and infrastructure improvements for each school. 

These recommendations will significantly improve the surrounding infrastructure for pedestrian and bicyclist access to the schools, neighborhoods and parks.