Senior Owner Promotions
We are pleased to announce the promotion of Mike Davis, Rod Dickerson and John Kilgore to Senior Owners of the firm. Please join us in congratulating them on this career milestone!
Mike Davis, PE
Mike is the West Virginia Utility Infrastructure Regional Director. His 27 years of combined expertise includes a variety of water preliminary investigations, process designs, detailed facility designs and construction phase services. Since joining B&N in 2008, he has served as project engineer and manager for the planning, design and construction of collection system improvements and construction of treatment facilities, including influent pumping, preliminary, primary, secondary, tertiary and sludge processing facilities.
Rod Dickerson
Rod currently serves as B&N’s Chief Technology officer after joining B&N in 2019 with 23 years of experience in the field of Information Technology. While at B&N he has led initiatives to update and improve B&N’s IT infrastructure, enhanced resiliency/disaster recovery, added tools to support hybrid work, implemented cybersecurity training and helped foster the integration of new technology such as augmented/virtual reality, artificial intelligence and BIM modeling into business development and project delivery.
John Kilgore, PE
John is the Director of the Florida Transportation group. He joined B&N in 2020 with 34 years of experience in transportation and roadway engineering. Over the course of his career, John has been involved in a range of projects for the Florida Department of Transportation and has managed and designed numerous interstate improvements including interchange reconstruction and modifications, capacity improvements and complex design-build projects.