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October 8 - 9, 2024

Greater Columbus Convention Center Columbus, Ohio Visit Event Website

Tuesday, October 8

Organizational culture, or encompassing shared attitudes and values, greatly impacts employee retention. Recent studies show that culture has up to 10 times more influence than compensation. Too many teams operate in Thermometer mode, a reactionary strategy where the culture only reacts to the environment it is in. The best leaders operate in Thermostat mode, where they know the temperature they are trying to set as a leader and a collective team. No matter what is happening in the external environment, they proactively set the temperature they desire. This presentation explores the definition of workplace culture and focuses on key drivers of diversity, job security, and recognition, to improve the culture and drive creativity, innovation, and talent through the organization. It will talk through the four calibration topics of mission, vision, values, and strategy, using real-world case studies and examples to highlight best practices for achieving a thermostat culture.

B&N Presenter:

Brian Toombs, PE

To advance implementation of a Safe System Approach, FHWA initiated a project to identify Safe System solutions for highway safety improvement projects. Two tools have been developed to measure alignment of the Safe System in projects and policies. Additionally, the Safe System Design Hierarchy characterizes engineering and infrastructure-based countermeasures and strategies relative to their alignment to the Safe System Approach. Real applications will be used to demonstrate the tools and the findings from this effort.

This presentation will be shared with Corey Hopwood, PE, RSP2I, of Cambridge Systematics. 

B&N Presenter:

Kendra Schenk, PE, PTOE, RSP2I

Some of the many challenges encountered when planning bike trails include site accessibility, field visit documentation, surveying and design costs and environmental impacts. Innovative applications of drone technology and GIS software can be used to overcome these obstacles and create well-thought-out bike trails at a manageable cost. This presentation will explore various projects throughout central Ohio where B&N has utilized ArcGIS, high-accuracy GNSS positioning receivers and unmanned aerial aircraft to find innovative solutions for projects traditionally completed using only CADD software, for clients such as the Columbus Recreation and Parks Department, Metro Parks, CCSTCC and the Union County Engineer. The union of modern technology with established roadway and bridge design techniques helps find the balance between designing constructible projects, reducing impacts to trees and waterways, and optimizing trail user experience. 

B&N Presenters:

Nate Lang, PE

Bryan O'Reilly

Tuesday, October 8
10:30 am  |  Union C
Session 12: Carrying Us Through Tough Times

The use of a Design-Build (DB) contract on a new gateway bridge into downtown Cambridge, Ohio, drove innovations that led to an efficient and economical design and construction. The GUE-209-08.550 project was an Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT)-let, two-step DB project to replace an existing five-span, 848-foot-long, fracture-critical, twin steel girder bridge over Wills Creek and the Genesee and Wyoming railroad. The proposed bridge is an 863-foot-long, five-span, curved steel girder structure on pile-supported cast-in-place abutments and 75-foot-tall concrete piers on drilled shafts and spread footings.

This presentation will include designer and contractor perspectives discussing how innovative home plate footing design was developed to minimize material costs and avoid existing subsurface foundations, how a buildable unit design approach enabled early material procurement to meet the schedule and challenges that had to be overcome such as demolition, substructure design, girder erection, railroad coordination and site flooding.

B&N Presenter:

Mike Killian, PE

Tuesday, October 8
1:30 pm

The Clark County-Springfield Transportation Coordinating Committee (CCSTCC) wanted to locate where single-lane roundabouts would improve safety, efficiency, and mobility across Clark County. Future project development will utilize a list of "Top 50" intersections. Using a statistical methodology and publicly available GIS data, the team listed key screening criteria and a weighted ranking to analyze a majority of the intersections across the county. Using a dynamically weighted system, the team could create different priority scenarios and see in real-time intersections that continually come to the top of the list regardless of the scenario. Public feedback captured through an interactive ESRI webpage and survey provided additional data points to identify intersections for roundabouts. Preliminary layouts at the top 10 locations were developed to provide costs and confirm implementation feasibility.

B&N Presenter:

Amy Rosepiler, PE

Wednesday, October 9
10:00 am  |  B233-235

FHWA has expanded the criteria for eligibility for SS4A Planning and Demonstration funding, and we have an innovative example to get your gears spinning for the next funding cycles: The City of Peoria, Arizona, utilized a GIS-based solution for planning, engagement, and education for Safe Routes to school. Funding could be pursued to develop a plan, a GIS inventory and create similar tools to enhance your existing or future safety plans.

B&N Presenters:

Kris Popovich

Maria Cantrell, PE

Wednesday, October 9
10:00 am

There are plenty of new and innovative ways being explored to tackle the world's challenges. One method stands out as particularly important and innovative, and it happens before the design and planning phase. Education is an important pillar in society, but what role does it play in the transportation and engineering fields? What are the existing gaps? How can we make sure that our workplaces encourage learning and sharing knowledge?

This presentation will focus on the growing interest in public transportation education, highlighting why education is so important in these fields. It will also discuss practical examples of how individuals and organizations can promote education, first by looking inwards, then outwards, and finally, some out-of-the-box ideas to share transportation education outside of the transportation field.

B&N Presenters:

Waleed Al-Sharkawi, PE

Kendra Schenk, PE, PTOE, RSP2I

Thoroughfare planning, once focused solely on managing congestion and maximizing vehicular efficiency, is undergoing a transformation to align with evolving transportation priorities. Traditional approaches to thoroughfare planning optimized motorist experience, often emphasizing vehicular level of service and roadway capacity. Today’s thoroughfare planning should begin with understanding land use context and how our roads can support our desired growth patterns, improve safety and support multimodal options. Jurisdictions across Ohio are turning to this more flexible planning approach to address issues of equity, access, safety concerns, environmental and fiscal sustainability, and building places where people want to be. We’ll share this new lens of thoroughfare planning at multiple scales – from small to midsize cities such as the City of Gahanna up to countywide plans such as Licking and Fayette Counties. 

B&N Presenters:

Eliza Pendexter, AICP

Shannon Fergus, AICP

Brian Toombs, PE, Interchange Specialist and Project Engineer

Interchange Specialist and Project Engineer

Kendra Schenk, PE, PTOE, RSP2I, Safety Engineer

Safety Engineer

Nate Lang, PE, Roadway Engineer

Roadway Engineer

Bryan O'Reilly, GIS Designer

GIS Designer

Mike Killian, PE, Project Manager

Project Manager

Amy Rosepiler, PE, Director, Columbus Roadway Design Section

Director, Columbus Roadway Design Section

Kris Popovich, GIS Specialist/Cartographer/Transportation Planner

GIS Specialist/Cartographer/Transportation Planner

Maria Cantrell, PE, Senior Transportation Safety Engineer

Senior Transportation Safety Engineer

Waleed Al-Sharkawi, PE, Roadway Engineer

Roadway Engineer

Eliza Pendexter, AICP, Transit & Mobility Specialist

Transit & Mobility Specialist

Shannon Fergus, AICP, Urban & Land Use Planning Leader

Urban & Land Use Planning Leader