Galaxy Event Center at Wahooz Meridian, Idaho Visit Event Website
Wednesday, September 25
In Washington state, the state Department of Transportation and local agencies have been building roundabouts since 1997, and as of Summer 2024, there are approximately 600 roundabouts. Roundabouts represent safety investment and, in many cases, deliver delay reduction and better access management. Context plays a significant role in how large or complex a roundabout might be. The presentation will touch on all these key decision points and present examples that show the process of conceiving, planning, designing, building, and operating a roundabout. It will share important lessons learned and, importantly, how the right tools are used to deliver a roundabout that functions and is right-sized for the context.
Wednesday, September 25
The Perrine Bridge is a unique 1500-foot-long arch bridge spanning the Snake River. Built in 1976, it symbolizes the Magic Valley's numerous base jumpers. Lane closures due to bridge repairs have become increasingly problematic, with traffic backing up quickly to the freeway, 3 miles away at times. This presentation will discuss a successful method to keep traffic flowing while making numerous bridge repairs.