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Sep 30 - Oct 4, 2023

McCormik Place Chicago, IL Visit Event Website

Monday, October 2
4:30 pm

The City of Akron was required by Consent Decree to install a Biological Chemically Enhanced Primary Treatment (BioCEPT) facility at the Akron Water Reclamation Facility (WRF) capable of treating a minimum of 60 million gallons per day (mgd) of flow. This is one of the first full-scale facility to provide biological treatment ahead of chemically enhanced settling to achieve the equivalent of secondary wastewater treatment.

The BioCEPT facility includes storage of approximately 10 million gallons. If wet weather flows exceed the storage capacity, treated overflows from the BioCEPT system combine with WRF Secondary Effluent and are directed to the WRF disinfection system. Overflow from the BioCEPT system must meet requirements for carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand (CBOD5) and total suspended solids (TSS). The combined BioCEPT overflow and WRF secondary effluent must meet the Consent Decree requirements for E. coli during the recreation season.

Prior to the completion of BioCEPT, the WRF had a secondary treatment capacity of 220 mgd. Sustained flows above 220 mgd would flow through a storm retention tank, overflow to the disinfection system and ultimately flow to the Cuyahoga River. Now peak flows of up to 280 mgd to the WRF will receive secondary or equivalent secondary treatment.

The City’s Consent Decree required a completed Demonstration Study comprised of 20 full-scale tests. The full-scale tests have shown treatment performance equivalent to the plant’s existing secondary treatment system and typical removals greater than 85% for both TSS and CBOD5. 

B&N Presenter:

Mike Starkey, PE

Mike Starkey, PE,