Virtual Visit Event Website
Thursday, October 8, 2020
3:00 – 4:30 PM
B&N led the Orchard Street Realignment Study for the Ada County Highway District (ACHD). Realignment of the roadway was identified as a critical piece of the Boise Airport Master Plan, allowing the airport to expand into land west of the existing roadway. The realignment was also part of the ACHD and City of Boise long range plans.
During the year-long process, ACHD and B&N worked extensively with several key stakeholders (City of Boise, The National Guard, Boise Airport, Knife River, and many other commercial and industrial organizations) and the public to develop a concept that not only provided capacity needed for vehicles, but also addressed missing pedestrian and cyclist accommodations that would connect new homes south of Gowen Road to the rest of Boise.
Safety for all users was one of the guides for this realignment, especially since the existing corridor had been so dangerous for non-vehicle users. With the implementation of roundabouts and separated shared-use paths, everyone now has their own safe space on this new roadway! To keep it interesting, there were a few hitches along the way too, including three landfills!