Baker University Center Athens, Ohio Visit Event Website
Friday, September 29
1:30 PM
When planning improvements to public streets, there are nearly always more expressed needs and desires for the corridor than the right-of-way for that corridor can accommodate. Sorting through these needs as stated by agency staff, urban planners, local officials, developers, other stakeholders, and the general public can be challenging for street planners.
This presentation, which will cover the most common needs that have to be evaluated, will be given from the perspectives of a transportation engineer, a planner and a city administrator. Numerous case studies will be presented and will include how various options were evaluated and what tradeoffs were considered. Items that must be considered are: automobile lanes, public transit service, bike lanes, pedestrian/walking facilities, parking, public spaces, utilities and drainage, landscaping, and more.
The Richland Avenue improvement projects will be discussed in detail, including the SR 682 roundabout and important bicycle and pedestrian connectivity between Ohio University, downtown Athens, and the South Richland Avenue corridor.
The presentation also will include:
B&N’s two presenters have 40 years of combined experience working with a multitude of stakeholders developing transportation solutions that could be implemented.